simple. EFFECTIVE.

Right from the start, we make transparency a priority, setting clear expectations for an open and honest financial partnership.

Planning and investing are dynamic journeys. Our modern approach is designed to provide each client with a personalized roadmap, with regular and ongoing communication so we can evolve as life happens.

Built on a foundation of teamwork and collaboration, our process will involve multiple Divvi team members each step of the way.

What our clients should expect:

  • Determine if we're the perfect match for each other. We aim for mutual excitement about the journey ahead.

    Our initial discovery meeting involves several members of the Divvi team. For those accustomed to working with a single advisor, this might seem unconventional initially, but we firmly believe it's the best approach.

    Anticipate a series of questions from us as we seek to understand your financial mindset and aspirations. We'll delve into our working methods, encompassing financial planning, asset management, and wealth management, along with a discussion of associated fees.

    Come prepared to pose any questions you may have during this session.

    If both parties are in agreement to proceed, we'll initiate the digital onboarding process.

  • Focus on the essentials—Taxes, Investments, Retirement. Tailor your strategy to align with what truly matters to you and avoid wasting time.

    Our initial planning involves a series of meetings, concentrating on key areas. We'll guide you through potential scenarios and provide a personalized Investment Policy Statement. Expect to engage with multiple members of the Divvi team during these sessions. When necessary, we collaborate with your tax preparer, attorney, or other professionals to ensure everyone is on the same page.

    Following the initial onboarding, we conduct progress reviews biannually, typically in May and October.

  • Our commitment extends to implementing your tailored plan with a focus on tax efficiency. Emotions can be an investors' biggest enemy when working toward long-term goals. By working together to create a strategic, long-term plan, we seek to reduce the inevitable second-guessing of investment decisions while still remaining flexible enough to take advantage of opportunities as the arise.