The Modern Investor

Direct Indexing Primer: Lower Taxes, More Control Over Your Portfolio?
Investing, Tax Planning Eric Blattner Investing, Tax Planning Eric Blattner

Direct Indexing Primer: Lower Taxes, More Control Over Your Portfolio?

Direct indexing isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution, but for the right investor, it can be a powerful tool for managing taxes, diversifying a portfolio, and aligning investments with personal preferences. As with any investment strategy, it’s important to weigh the potential benefits against the risks and consider whether it fits within your overall financial plan.

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Time to Consider Roth Conversions?

Time to Consider Roth Conversions?

Would you like to pay more income tax this year? It might not be as crazy as it sounds. Roth conversions – the process of moving money from a pre-tax retirement account to a tax-free, Roth alternative – can be a powerful retirement income planning and tax planning tool. But it likely means pulling income from the future to the present, along with any associated income tax.

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Roth vs Traditional 401(k) in 2024: Navigating Retirement Planning and Tax Planning
Retirement Plans & Planning, Tax Planning Eric Blattner Retirement Plans & Planning, Tax Planning Eric Blattner

Roth vs Traditional 401(k) in 2024: Navigating Retirement Planning and Tax Planning

Retirement planning options continue to evolve, and the Roth 401(k) has become an option for more and more people. Determining which is better - Roth or traditional 401(k) - will often come down to the assumptions made around current vs. future income levels, current vs. future income tax rates, and when (or if) retirement savings will be spent down. Sometimes the answer may seem obvious. For those with murkier forecasts, using both options can make sense, too.

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After the 401(k), Where to Invest Next?

After the 401(k), Where to Invest Next?

Some investors prefer to max out the 401(k), either with pre-tax contributions or after-tax Roth contributions. Others contribute just enough to take full advantage of an employer match. And for many others, the answer is somewhere in between. Regardless of how that question is answered, people often wonder where to go next. What makes the most sense after 401(k) contributions are finished for the year? Let’s look at a few options, specifically through the lens of tax treatment, availability, and flexibility.

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Earn too much for a Roth IRA? Two considerations before you use the ‘backdoor’ Roth IRA.

Earn too much for a Roth IRA? Two considerations before you use the ‘backdoor’ Roth IRA.

The backdoor Roth IRA strategy can be an effective way for high-income individuals and families to save for retirement. Be careful to avoid common pitfalls that might create unexpected and unwanted taxes. Consider all your options and try to think holistically about retirement – few if any solutions are one-size-fits-all.

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New Employer? Things to Consider Regarding the  Old Retirement Plan.

New Employer? Things to Consider Regarding the Old Retirement Plan.

You have a new employer. What should you do with the old 401(k) or retirement plan assets? Leave it where it is, bring to the new employer’s plan, or rollover into an IRA? Here are some of the key considerations around taxes, investment options, and fees, as well as a few other items to take into account.

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