The Modern Investor
Written by Human Advisors, for Human Investors
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1st Quarter 2023 Update
Five Strategies for Maintaining Control of Your Career and Lifestyle
Several economic factors have created profitability headwinds for many employers. Inflation has waged war on profitability. Higher interest rates have increased corporate borrowing costs. These factors along with a workforce that is increasingly valuing work-life balance have the potential to make firms less profitable. In many cases this causes CEOs and CFOs to take a careful look at their most important and largest investment: their people.
Three Things 2023’s Best Stocks Have in Common
The SP 500 is comprised of (roughly) 500 stocks, and it’s up about 15% in 2023. Yet, it would be down this year if not for these 30 companies.
How is the Market Doing?
How Am I Doing? Keep a Long-term Perspective When Evaluating Investment Performance.
Investors often ask, “How am I doing?” The answer may require a little color, and benchmarks can help frame the conversation. Regular review of risks and returns can help keep investment portfolios aimed at achieving long-term goals.
Why I Had a Tax Surprise, and How I Hope to Avoid it in the Future
Want more control over taxes? Here are some considerations for those investors with significant assets in taxable accounts.
What Should I Do With My 401(k)?
Target-date funds have grown in popularity for retirement savers. And for good reason. But are they the right answer for everyone? See where it might make sense to consider a more tailored approach to allocating retirement plan assets.
Did I Just Pay Too Much Tax?
Not happy with your tax bill? Now that most individuals and families have filed 2022 taxes, it could be an ideal time to start tax planning for next year.
Are Stocks Ugly?
Are stocks as unappealing today as they have been in 15 years? By one measure, the answer may be yes. Still, stock investors may be well-served to focus on the long-term.
The Fed Might Be Finished Raising Rates. Should You Sell Stocks?
Should you sell stocks if the Fed is finished raising rates? Here are a few things you may want to consider.
Is Cash Safe? Considerations for Investors Following Silicon Valley Bank
Is cash safe? Things to consider for savers as banks come back into focus.
New Employer? Things to Consider Regarding the Old Retirement Plan.
You have a new employer. What should you do with the old 401(k) or retirement plan assets? Leave it where it is, bring to the new employer’s plan, or rollover into an IRA? Here are some of the key considerations around taxes, investment options, and fees, as well as a few other items to take into account.
When Does 13,000 = 1,000,000?
529-to-Roth conversion introduces some new planning concepts for new parents and grandparents. And no just for education. We explain how an early 529 contribution of $13,000 could grow to be worth over $1,000,000 in tax-free money for the child.
Is My Home Next?
2023 Annual Letter
What A Start
Will the strong start to 2023 continue for international stocks?