The Modern Investor

Roth vs Traditional 401(k) in 2024: Navigating Retirement Planning and Tax Planning
Retirement Plans & Planning, Tax Planning Eric Blattner Retirement Plans & Planning, Tax Planning Eric Blattner

Roth vs Traditional 401(k) in 2024: Navigating Retirement Planning and Tax Planning

Retirement planning options continue to evolve, and the Roth 401(k) has become an option for more and more people. Determining which is better - Roth or traditional 401(k) - will often come down to the assumptions made around current vs. future income levels, current vs. future income tax rates, and when (or if) retirement savings will be spent down. Sometimes the answer may seem obvious. For those with murkier forecasts, using both options can make sense, too.

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Small Companies. Small Returns?
Investing, Stocks Eric Blattner Investing, Stocks Eric Blattner

Small Companies. Small Returns?

Traditional theory suggests investors should earn higher returns in riskier investments, like small caps. However, small cap stocks have underperformed large caps for more than a decade. And they have even underperformed bigger, more stable stocks since the late 1970s. Which begs the question: why own smaller, riskier companies if we aren’t earning higher returns?

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Time to Buy Bonds?
Bonds Eric Blattner Bonds Eric Blattner

Time to Buy Bonds?

Is it time to buy bonds?

This question has become much more common as interest rates have risen. Recently, the yield on 10-year U.S. Treasury bonds hit 5% for the first time since 2007. Many money market mutual funds (say that five times fast!) are yielding over 5%.

So, are bonds a good buy now? Here are a few considerations before pulling the trigger.

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After the 401(k), Where to Invest Next?

After the 401(k), Where to Invest Next?

Some investors prefer to max out the 401(k), either with pre-tax contributions or after-tax Roth contributions. Others contribute just enough to take full advantage of an employer match. And for many others, the answer is somewhere in between. Regardless of how that question is answered, people often wonder where to go next. What makes the most sense after 401(k) contributions are finished for the year? Let’s look at a few options, specifically through the lens of tax treatment, availability, and flexibility.

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Time for Open Enrollment? Three Benefits That Shouldn’t be Overlooked

Time for Open Enrollment? Three Benefits That Shouldn’t be Overlooked

Soon, many of us will receive a 20-page PDF from HR with a myriad of complex options to navigate in advance of the always stressful deadline. But before you just re-enroll in the same benefits from last year, grab that pumpkin spice latte while we review some of the most financially impactful benefits you may want to consider.

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5% Money Market Yields. Pros and Cons.
Bonds, Cash Management Eric Blattner Bonds, Cash Management Eric Blattner

5% Money Market Yields. Pros and Cons.

Cash is cool. Interest rates on money market funds are well over 5%. The 3-month U.S. Treasury Bill yield is 5.5%. Assets in money market funds are at all-time highs, nearing $5.5 trillion. Some people have asked if they should be investing in stocks or other asset classes when they can safely earn 5%. Here are a few things to consider when trying to answer that question.

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HOUSING: Three Trends to Watch
Housing, Economy Eric Blattner Housing, Economy Eric Blattner

HOUSING: Three Trends to Watch

From 2019 through 2021, over $6 trillion in home loans were refinanced at ultra-low rates. Cheap money has many homeowners feeling trapped. Zillow just reported half of buyers surveyed between April and July were first-time homeowners, further evidence existing owners are staying put. With existing supply depressed, new construction is attempting to fill the void.

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Three Things About Higher Rates
Economy, Bonds, Stocks Eric Blattner Economy, Bonds, Stocks Eric Blattner

Three Things About Higher Rates

Interest rates on bonds haven’t been this high in about 15 years. Whether you consider this to be good or bad news may depend on your perspective. Higher rates generally offer a better starting point for bond investors, and high-quality bonds may be in a better position to offset other risks in your portfolio. Stock investors traditionally have been willing to pay less (in terms of P/E multiples, for example) for expected earnings as interest rates rise, which can put pressure on stock returns. Regardless, history has seemed to reward stock owners over the long term, even in periods characterized by higher interest rates.

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Earn too much for a Roth IRA? Two considerations before you use the ‘backdoor’ Roth IRA.

Earn too much for a Roth IRA? Two considerations before you use the ‘backdoor’ Roth IRA.

The backdoor Roth IRA strategy can be an effective way for high-income individuals and families to save for retirement. Be careful to avoid common pitfalls that might create unexpected and unwanted taxes. Consider all your options and try to think holistically about retirement – few if any solutions are one-size-fits-all.

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The Most Boring Market Update Ever?
Stocks, Bonds Eric Blattner Stocks, Bonds Eric Blattner

The Most Boring Market Update Ever?

It’s mid-July, which means firms like ours have been busy publishing quarterly recaps and market outlooks for the remainder of the year. How it would sound if we focused not on the last 90 days, but rather recapped the last 10 years. After all, we constantly talk about long-term investing, so why not write commentary to match?

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